Thursday, July 5, 2007

Morning raaga

Was on my way to office. Auto.. traffic.. crowd.... kept listening to some classical fusion music in my mobile. 'Entharo Mahanubavalu ' fusion. The rythm took me to a new world. Closed my eyes and started tapping my feet to the beautiful music. Forgot the traffic and the honking vehicles and the scorching sun outside. As the 'kirthana' was reaching its zenith (i dunno what is the technical term to use for that. WIsh i learned calssical music), something woke me up. My olfactory nerves told me its time to wake up to the pandemonium outside. Opening my eyes, i found the Corporation lorry parked next to the auto!! Welcome told me. Neverthless, I did find my way back to the paradise later.


Anonymous said...

back in chennai? now do blog regularly...

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VINI said...

Hi! thanx for visiting my blog... been a while since I've posted recipes. Glad u tried my recipe. While reading through ur blog, saw a lot of things are my favs too...rain, pazhamporis...hmmm..memories :) :(

Anonymous said...

where art thou?

Godzown said...

geets...write somethin dear..

archana said...

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